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Notify Analyst App to notify an Extended MA Support Group
Use the
Notify Analyst App to notify an Extended MA Support Group (via it's related
mapping) when that MA Status goes to In Progress...Currently,
the Notify Analyst plugin has an MA In Progress Notification. This workflow
currently points at the 'Activity Implementer' but there is no ability to
point it at an Extended Support Group.
It would be most excellent if there was a checkbox that said 'Use
Extended MA Support Group instead of Activity Implementer for Notifications'
as an option for the 'Notification Template to use when Activity Status
becomes In-Progress' area of the app. This would then change the workflow to
use the MA Support Group mappings for In Progress notifications. IT would be
awesome! |
Basically, the desire is to notify the entire Support Group of the status change.
Yes Please! Gets my Vote. This would be huge for us!
1. The behaviour is shown in the Notify Analyst settings. Right now, if we edit a setting in there, these changes are lost.
2. The change doesn't get overwritten by any future updates.
Any chance you could post up the changes made to the workflow XML. are the customisations specific to your environment, or could they be used anywhere?
By default, the criteria is:
We changed it to this:
We specifically want the notification to go out to the Support Group when it's ready to act on, rather than when it gets created, so it doesn't send anything if it's not in-progress. If you want to be notified on both of those, you could remove the last "Status is in-progress" check.
With all that said, I wouldn't recommend doing it this way, since it won't be supported. Whenever the Cireson solution gets posted, I will probably switch our environment to use it, assuming that it works the same way that we have it set up now.
Thanks Michael. Agreed, I will only put this in if absolutely necessary, and look forward to the updated version including this feature.
Seems like this is what I've been searching for: "The manual activity settings in Notify Analyst does not allow to trigger notifications when the MA status is In Progress for Custom Manual Activity Support Group. The emails are sent for all the MA no matter the status (on creation) or only if the Support group is updated. This has an impact for the serial MA (dependency).
I would like to have the option to skip notification if MA status is not In-Progress."
For the moment I resolved this by using Orchestrator. I would also like to have a built-in functionality from Cireson Notify Analyst. Hope to see it in the next release.
Best regards.
@Nicholas_Velich Is the PowerShell/Scorch solution still available? I did not find this in the Downloads section, and we are in a need for this solution. As the current Notify Analyst configuration of notifying on Creation (instead of Status = In Progress) is causing issues/frustration for our users within our environment.
just wondering if there has been any progress on this feature request, and whether it might be considered for a future update?
Re Michael Baldry's guide to modifying the XML to enable notifications to the support group when it switches to "In Progress"
For those who are interested on how to do this. (even though its not supported by Cireson).
I have attached a text file with the exact XML that needs to be changed (both before and after the change).
So we implemented this in our QA environment and it's working just as expected. Kudos!!
Before we proceed with Production, a few questions:
1) Why doesn't Cireson support this? - seems like a very simple change.
2) Are there any risks or side-effects?
The Risk is:
If you then go make any changes to the notify analyst settings pane afterwards, all of the custom changes made to the xml will be reset, and you have to reapply the manual xml changes as provided.
so just keep this in mind.
Im guessing it's not supported because it's prone to error. (XML can be a bit fiddly) Similar to putting customisations in the portal. If it does.no work, they can't be expected to troubleshoot the issue to get it working.
Maybe someone from Cireson can provide the specifics.
Unfortunately the release notes currently are only showing within the zip download, not the release notes kb.
notify analyst 7.6.2012.20 Release Notes
-updated license client dll
-added in-progress workflow for MA support group
-digitally signed