How to use SQL on ServiceManager DB to check User Permissions from User Roles
I am completely stuck regarding having a user/group and generating a list of all roles they are in and then seeing if they are part of certain "Operations"
SELECT PO.[ProfileOperationId] ,PO.[ProfileId] ,UR.[UserRoleId] ,P.[ProfileName] ,UR.[UserRoleName] ,O.[OperationName] ,O.[OperationNumericId] FROM [ServiceManager].[dbo].[ProfileOperation] PO JOIN [ServiceManager].[dbo].[Operation] O ON O.OperationId = PO.OperationId JOIN [ServiceManager].[dbo].[Profile] P ON P.[ProfileId] = PO.[ProfileId] JOIN [ServiceManager].[dbo].[UserRole] UR ON UR.[ProfileId] = P.[ProfileId] WHERE O.[OperationName] IN ( 'User_IsAdministrator__Check' ,'User_IsIncidentResolver__Check' ,'User_IsServiceRequestAnalyst__Check' ,'User_IsChangeManager__Check' ,'User_IsProblemAnalyst__Check' ,'User_IsReleaseManager__Check' ) ORDER BY O.[OperationNumericId]
This gives me a piece of the information I require as this allows me to have all the UserRoleIds or ProfileIds to match against a generated list from a user/group.
However when it comes to getting the User Roles for a particular user, I query the UserRole table which seems like the right thing to do, yet all the rows returned for a user point to some "UserRoleImplied~~~~" prefixed User Role.
So naturally I've been joining all sorts of tables together but I still can't figure out what the following tables do and if I need them somehow and how to use them....:
- ProfileOperationImplicitScope
- UserRoleUserAssignment (It's got a ScopeId column)
- UserRoleGroupType
- UserRoleScopeHandle (It's got a ScopeId column)
- UserRoleScopeView
The farthest I've gotten is getting some roles from the [ProfileOperationImplicitScope] table, but if the user is in the Administrators Role in SCSM, I cannot seem to find out how to query it.
Ex. In User Role "Administrators" there is "SCSM Service Account" which gives me UserId of "21002" from the [UserRoleUser] table. This account is only a member of the "Administrators" User Role in the SCSM Console. On my first join to [Profile] I only get back 'ImpliedUserPreference'. I join on the same column names and I join the tables as follows.
[UserRoleUserAssignment] --> [UserRole] --> [Profile] --> [ProfileOperationImplicitScope] --> [ProfileOperation] --> [Profile]
The list of Profiles that I get are:
- ActivityImplementer
- AdvancedOperator
- Author
- ChangeInitiator
- ChangeManager
- EndUser
- IncidentResolver
- Operator
- ProblemAnalyst
- ReadOnlyOperator
- ReleaseManager
- ServiceRequestAnalyst
- Workflow
However it's not showing the Administrator Profile which I need it to be able to do, so frustrating!!!!!!
I feel it shouldn't have to be this hard but I can't really figure out the solution. I figured Cireson is most familiar with User Roles and perhaps can shed some light on this.
Best Answers
Conner_Wood Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭Looked through all Functions and Stored Procedures, only thing remotely helpful regarding [UserRole] was:
EXEC [ServiceManager].[dbo].[p_UserRoleSelectAllInfo] @UserRoleId = '597F9D98-356F-4186-8712-4F020F2D98B4', -- UserRoleId of Administrators @LanguageCode1 = N'ENU';
But none of the results returned involved the members.....
Found some other tables partially thanks to Christopher Mank...
[ServiceManager].[dbo].[AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] --> [Name] column can be linked to [UserRole].[UserRoleId]
[ServiceManager].[dbo].[AzMan_Role_SIDMember] --> [RoleID] column can be linked to [AzMan_AzRoleAssignment].[ID]
Using this knowledge it appears I should be able to search against my first query returning valid user roles I'm looking for, and retrieve the members Hexadecimal-SID for the corresponding UserRoles.
There's a Stored Procedures that l can use:DECLARE @Return int; EXEC [ServiceManager].[dbo].[AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzRoleAssignment_SIDMembers] @Return = @Return OUTPUT, @RoleID = 2 -- UserRoleId of Administrators via [AzMan_AzRoleAssignment].[ID]
Sadly it still returns Hexidecimal-SID instead of in the standardized SID notation, but I have all the pieces I need now.5 -
Conner_Wood Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭I should mention that if you're using C# like me, you make a byte array from the sid and add it to the SQL statement via the SQL Parameters feature. You can verify your C# byte array is the same as the displayed SQL varbinary hex string when you query the table in SSMS via the following C# function:
private string GetHexadecimalFormatSID(SecurityIdentifier sid, string hex_prefix = "0x") { //Convert the SID to its binary form byte[] bSID = new byte[sid.BinaryLength]; sid.GetBinaryForm(bSID, 0); //Loop through all bytes and convert to hexadecimal values StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder(bSID.Length * 2); foreach (byte b in bSID) { hex.AppendFormat("{0:X2}", b); //X2 formats a byte to a hex value string. } return hex_prefix + hex.ToString(); }
P.S. If you want to do a quick SQL search using the VarBinary MemberSID, you can do the following:SELECT [RoleID] ,[MemberSID] FROM [ServiceManager].[dbo].[AzMan_Role_SIDMember] WHERE MemberSID = CONVERT(varbinary(max),'0x010100000000000512000000', 1) ORDER BY RoleID
5 -
Conner_Wood Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭@merlenette_jones - Thanks, it's a lot of effort!
My grand purpose was to see if the user should be able to see private comments on a particular Ticket Type, so basically be marked as an Analyst for said Ticket Type.
Being that ServiceManager is undocumented to this extent makes sense, but I was hoping there would be an easy way to pass a user SID and get a list of all user roles including any user roles that the user is an indirect member of if a group is added instead of each individual account. However I need to pass the the users AD Group SIDs as well as there appears to be no such Stored Procedure or Function to do all that. I have resorted to using the extremely mighty and powerful '#tempTable' feature in SQL from C#.
Details: I get the user SID Bytes and the AD DirectoryEntry TokenGroups which has a list of AD Security Group SID Bytes and make that a data table to bulk copy into a created temp table. Then I select [RoleID] from [dbo].[AzMan_Role_SIDMember] that is JOINED to the TempTable ON [MemberSID].
I then determine if they have a particular role id present, and that's how I know if they have a permission. Obviously there's other things I could use this for besides Private Comments, like allowing a different view to be shown based on being in a custom created role but for now, this is what I was after.5
I know Travis Wright had contributed a few things for User Roles, so I'm researching to see if I can learn from it:
I have to admit this is far more difficult than I thought it would be for something as simple as showing the members in a user role.
But none of the results returned involved the members.....
Found some other tables partially thanks to Christopher Mank...
[ServiceManager].[dbo].[AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] --> [Name] column can be linked to [UserRole].[UserRoleId]
[ServiceManager].[dbo].[AzMan_Role_SIDMember] --> [RoleID] column can be linked to [AzMan_AzRoleAssignment].[ID]
Using this knowledge it appears I should be able to search against my first query returning valid user roles I'm looking for, and retrieve the members Hexadecimal-SID for the corresponding UserRoles.
There's a Stored Procedures that l can use:
Sadly it still returns Hexidecimal-SID instead of in the standardized SID notation, but I have all the pieces I need now.
P.S. If you want to do a quick SQL search using the VarBinary MemberSID, you can do the following:
I see you are putting a lot of work into this. I'm quite impressed. If I understand you correctly, you are trying to figure out the schema of how the user to user-role relationship is stored in the SCSM DB?
Can you elaborate on your purpose for this?
My grand purpose was to see if the user should be able to see private comments on a particular Ticket Type, so basically be marked as an Analyst for said Ticket Type.
Being that ServiceManager is undocumented to this extent makes sense, but I was hoping there would be an easy way to pass a user SID and get a list of all user roles including any user roles that the user is an indirect member of if a group is added instead of each individual account. However I need to pass the the users AD Group SIDs as well as there appears to be no such Stored Procedure or Function to do all that. I have resorted to using the extremely mighty and powerful '#tempTable' feature in SQL from C#.
Details: I get the user SID Bytes and the AD DirectoryEntry TokenGroups which has a list of AD Security Group SID Bytes and make that a data table to bulk copy into a created temp table. Then I select [RoleID] from [dbo].[AzMan_Role_SIDMember] that is JOINED to the TempTable ON [MemberSID].
I then determine if they have a particular role id present, and that's how I know if they have a permission. Obviously there's other things I could use this for besides Private Comments, like allowing a different view to be shown based on being in a custom created role but for now, this is what I was after.