In Version 6 All Cireson Asset Classes are placed under "Configuration Items", this is a big No.
So when I want to link on standard to another standard, i need to search in Configuration Items, Standard is not in the classes list anymore.
If I want to link a Cireson Asset Location to something I need to search that Location under Configuration Items. There is however an entry for Location, but you won't find anything in there.
I can't explain this to my coworkers
Cireson you broke this. Please fix ASAP.
We were planning an upgrade to 6 but it is on hold for now, doing Asset Management thru the Portal is broken.
Or is there a hidden "AllowCiresonAssetClassesFilter" I can set to True?
Best Answer
Tom_Hendricks Customer Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭7.4 here. The Hardware Asset and Software Asset classes are available in the dropdown and those CI's show up when searching those classes. They are added as the correct class, as well. I do not have a filter on my CI's in my dev environment yet, so I cannot verify that the global filter works as it should, but I see no reason why it wouldn't.
You should be able to find assets by performing a search using the default "Configuration Item" class :
The CI picker was modified to only show classes that are abstract classes, this was necessary to resolve some bugs and performance issues.
Using v6.0.3 you can add a custom form definition to target a specific class such as below with Software Assets:
{ name: "Affected Software",
type: "multipleObjectPicker",
PropertyName: "HasRelatedWorkItems",
ClassId: "81e3da4f-e41c-311e-5b05-3ca779d030db",
PropertyToDisplay: {DisplayName:"Name"},
Scoped: true
Just now I had to search a Standard called Infrastructure and had to search through 63 pages of Configuration Item Results. I have never seen any performance issues in the old version or improvements in the new version.
As I said, the functionality is broken now.
Making specific relationship parts on forms is also not doable since you there are over 30 Asset classes.
So I have to make a lot of those if I want to link stuff together.
At least give us an option to turn it on, because functionality precedes performance.
Thanks for your quick reply though.
When an Analyst in my company makes a new Hardware Asset, it's not available in the search options until the CacheBuilder syncs Config Items.
So making a Hardware Asset and then immediately linking it to a Work Item is not possible through the normal ways.
My guess this is fixed in version 7.4.3 as stated in the release notes, but I have not tested that version yet:
- PR60564 - Asset Classes not appearing in the the config item search box
Can somebody running that version please confirm that the newly made Assets are available immediately?