Can't view AM Subnets?
As expected, users added to the SCSM admins role have no problem creating/editing/viewing these objects but everyone else (in those altered roles) can't see subnets. They can however interact with any other AM object. This behavior is reproducible in the console and portal.
Best Answer
Adam_Dzyacky Product Owner Contributor Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭Currently on the latest rev and after submitting an IR this appears to be a known bug.6
Which versions are you running @Adam_Dzyacky ?
Asset Management v7.5.2012.148 (latest at time of this writing)
Portal v5.0.8.1
Today, i struggled with this issue too (Asset Management V...151, newest one)
Currently having an issue deleting right now, but should be able to curb this with further permissions.