How Do I Mass re-assign incidents in Service Manager?
I am trying to re-assign Incident tickets from one Analyst to another en-masse. Nothing errors out when I try, but the re-assignment doesn't seem to take place.
I could have sworn that I've done this in the past successfully.
I've tried both the Assign option as well as the Assign Analyst by Group option, both with the same result.
Any suggestions?
Shawn Horley
Best Answers
Adam_Dzyacky Product Owner Contributor Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭This is do-able in the portal via a click n drag across Incidents, then choosing one of the options on the bottom of the page to perform a re-assignment, re-classification, etc.5
Adam_Dzyacky Product Owner Contributor Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭Oh, console - it's still doable there.
Shift selecting a group of incidents and then choosing "Assign to Analyst" worked for me.
Shift selecting a group of incidents and then choosing "Assign to Analyst" worked for me.
I figured it out. Apparently you can't do mass re-assignments of tickets from a custom view. It worked when I went into a default view (All Incidents)
Thanks for your help Folks.