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Custom Logo on Portal Header
Let's say you have that pretty logo image saved as logo.png somewhere in the CiresonPortal, let's say "/CustomSpace/HTML/"'
Add the following code inside your "custom.css" file
.headerContent h4:before { display: inline-block; width: 36px;height: 36px; vertical-align: middle; margin-right: 15px;content: ""; background: url("/CustomSpace/HTML/logo.png") no-repeat 0 0; background-size:100%; }
If you have no problem for your problem portal, is it still a Problem Portal?
I tried your suggestion on putting a logo and it does indeed show up bit is getting downsized (shrunk) a lot so not usable like this.
Do you have any idea how I can make it so that the original format is kept of the .png?
This adds a class with the name of the company to the headerContent.
In the custom.css, you would define logos for each company:
//adds organisation logo to page along with end users first name and company for personalisation<br> $(document).ready(function(){<br> if (document.URL.indexOf("/View/02efdc70-55c7-4ba8-9804-ca01631c1a54") === -1) {<br> //Ignore all other pages except for the Team Requests page.<br> return; <br> }<br> //set whether it's morning, afternoon or evening<br> var hours = new Date().getHours();<br> if (hours>=12 && hours <17){var time = "Afternoon"}<br> else if (hours<12){var time = "Morning"}<br> else {var time = "Evening"};<br> //console.log(time);<br> var mainPageNode = document.getElementById('main_wrapper');<br> // create an observer instance that runs whenever the page changes. Wait for our page title to exist.<br> var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {<br> //The page changed. See if the page title exists yet.<br> var elementToWatchFor = $(".page_title");<br> if (elementToWatchFor.length > 0) {<br> //An element with class of page_title exists.<br> var titleElement = $("h1.page_title:contains('Home')");<br> titleElement.html("Good " + time + " " + session.user.FirstName + "<br />" + "Welcome to the " + session.user.Company + " Service Desk Portal " );<br> //change logo based on company. if company not listed use BMA logo<br> if(session.user.Company === "A"){<br> titleElement.parent().append("<img src='/CustomSpace/A.jpg' alt='home_img' height='50'>");<br> } else {<br> titleElement.parent().append("<img src='/CustomSpace/B.jpg' alt='home_img' height='50'>")};<br> observer.disconnect();<br> }<br> });<br> <br> // Configure the observer.<br> var observerConfig = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true, characterData: true };<br> <br> // pass in the node, and our mutationobserver options.<br> observer.observe(mainPageNode, observerConfig);<br> });<br> //appends the users company to the portal title<br> $(document).ready(function(){<br> var company = (session.user.Company);<br> $(".navbar h4").html(company + " Service Desk Portal");<br> });