Portal KBs vs Console KBs
Hi All,
Is there a way to make the link in the console for 'Search for Knowledge Article" link to open the portal Knowledge Base?
Best Answer
Adam_Dzyacky Product Owner Contributor Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭I don't believe you'll be able to reverse engineer this stock Microsoft functionality to point to Cireson's ServiceManagement db.
You could create a new blank MP, create a Task (library -> tasks) and have it open the URL to your Cireson portal's KB.
Then for the sake of consistency, you'd probably want to hide the stock OOB task to avoid confusion.2
You could create a new blank MP, create a Task (library -> tasks) and have it open the URL to your Cireson portal's KB.
Then for the sake of consistency, you'd probably want to hide the stock OOB task to avoid confusion.
You can edit the user roles and un-check that task in the list of tasks visible to users in that role.