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Update Warranty Status on Assets from Online Web Services (DELL, HP, Lenovo, etc) - Servers/Clients

I've been looking into ways of populating Hardware Assets with warranty information and other information from online web services but you need to use System Centre Orchestrator to do this. It uses the Serial number of the devices and pulls back Warranty information from the online feeds/services. Can Cireson asset management do this for us?
8 votes

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  • Amarjit_DhillonAmarjit_Dhillon Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
    Maybe it could include support & maintenance contracts as well if available via the online feeds? This could work for all types of assets depending on type of asset e.g. Servers, Desktops, Laptops, UPS, etc ??

    A lot of manufacturer companies offer the feed service already e.g. DELL, LENOVO, etc.
  • Aaron_SmithAaron_Smith Customer IT Monkey ✭
    I'd love to see your orchestrator workflow that does this.
  • Brett_MoffettBrett_Moffett Cireson PACE Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    This can be achieved with custom scripts but to incorporate it in to the product would be awesome.
    I'll try and post some custom code here as a work around until there is enough votes for this feature request to get it voted in tot he main product.
  • Amarjit_DhillonAmarjit_Dhillon Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
    HI, I would image this would be a very useful facility that every organisation would appreciate (those of whom use Cireson Asset Management and it would be a great selling point).. What you will find is that people haven't thought about it yet.
  • AJ_WittenbrinkAJ_Wittenbrink Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
    We do this with Dell and SCORCH.

    It's a multi-step process, but we use hardware assets, and check for any changes.  Then we see if there are any contracts or warranties applied.  If not, we call an API service (https://api.dell.com/support/v2/assetinfo/warranty/tags.xml?svctags=DELLSERVICETAG&apikey=APITOKENGUID)

    We then store that XML (Port into SQL).

    From there we create the Support Contract, import that into Cireson with an automatic pull.  Then another automatic process assigns, matching the service tags (we also set the ship\received date then).
  • AJ_WittenbrinkAJ_Wittenbrink Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
    We insert into SQL using the Query SQL Activity.  here is the image of the code i use.  YMMV.

    hmm, perhaps i should write a blog post on this...
  • Amarjit_DhillonAmarjit_Dhillon Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
    Many thanx AJ
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