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Highlight 'Save' button in request offerings and workitem forms
The save button should in some way be highlighted/animated to draw attention from the user, making sure that they have seen it and hopefully understands that they need to use it
Did a custom solution for this but it could visually be improved and in the end some customers might not want to use something not made or supported by Cireson!
Current custom implementation:
Would you see this feature being a setting in the navigation or advanced settings for the portal that can be switched on or off? Or something we should hard code?
You also stated:
Given that not all users may want this it should definitely be a setting somewhere. Knowing our end users making a change as little as changing the color of a button confuses them so the setting would also allow for portal update but give us time to instruct users of the change. New customers after this change wouldn't have this problem so I think it should default to the new way clearly stated in the changelog.
Forms on the web most often end with a send/apply/confirm/order/login button after the input fields. Imagine making the Cireson form login page with a fixed bar at the bottom with the login button, not intuitive as were not used to it. The most logical place is inside the view (form windows) but as to where I think we could debate. For request offerings we could apply the login style after the input and when for example editing a work item it could be a save icon with text with fixed position/always on canvas so when scrolling it's always visible.
Actually not sure what would look best and most importantly be most intuitive for the end users. Will ask our internal test users for comments and hopefully others here at the community will contribute with their ideas!
I understand your frustration with your comment:
I hope this new forum gives you a good insight in to how we are now progressing the requests we get and comment on them as we go.
We need more votes on this one to get it up to the top of the list for inclusion in future releases.