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3 Things to Do Before You Contact Support


If you're contacting support, it means you have a technical issue - and that is never fun. We know how vital it is that your tools function well, with as little disruption possible.

There are lots of things to consider before placing your support ticket that can help get you back up and running as quick as possible. We’ve broken them into three categories – discern, discuss, and detail - which we’ll review in our upcoming Support webinar.


  • Steve_WrightSteve_Wright Cireson Support Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    Thank you to those who took the time to attend our support webinar last week! Despite some technical issues, I hope there was some helpful information for you and we welcome your comments and feedback. We are presenting another quick Support Webinar next Tuesday around logs and logging. I hope you can join us or check out the video afterwards
    Thanks again,
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