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Asset Management Forms Authoring

I have a problem when trying to author Asset management forms. The authoring tool always asks for "licensemanagement.client.dll". Then I redirect to this DLL that I find in the SCSM Console installation folder. When I select the DLL the Authoring tool shows this a box with "Cannot proceed with no valid key."

As in the documentation the service manager console has run with all the licenses installed. Do I need to copy this dll to another folder? Or get the DLL from another location?


Best Answers


  • Tijs_VandecasteeleTijs_Vandecasteele Customer IT Monkey ✭

    Taking the DLL from the download package fixed the issue. We updated those 2 packages a few days ago because we encountered this issue. I was confused because the Licensing DLL wasn't in the SCSM2016 download package. I forgot to mention in the previous post that we use SCSM2016.

    Now I have some files the Tool is asking that I can't find:


    I can't seem to find them in the authoring tool folders. The latest version is installed. And I don't encounter problems with other (non-cireson) forms I want to author. I don't find it in the MS server 2016 folders either. These are also files where I don't find any usable info on the forum or google.

    Thanks in advance

  • damon_mulligandamon_mulligan Cireson Consultant Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    Is everything working for you now?
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