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Incident Form Header: "This Incident Is Linked To Problem: XXXXX [STATUS]"
Helps quickly see if the IR is linked to a PR and its status:
Tested on v7.4
//Add Problem Link to the top of the IR form app.custom.formTasks.add('Incident', null, function(formObj, viewModel){ formObj.boundReady(function () { if (typeof viewModel.RelatesToWorkItem[0] != 'undefined' && viewModel.RelatesToWorkItem[0].ClassName == 'System.WorkItem.Problem') { $("#parent-header-space").append("<div><div class='parent-header-link'><label>This incident is linked to problem</label> : <a data-bind='attr: { href: view.controller.editHref}, text: view.controller.editLink' target='_blank' href='/Problem/Edit/" + viewModel.RelatesToWorkItem[0].Id +"/'>" +viewModel.RelatesToWorkItem[0].Id + "</a> <span class='label label-info label-heading'>" + viewModel.RelatesToWorkItem[0].Status.Name + "</span></div></div>"); }; }); });
I tried altering the script to apply to CRs and RRs, but it doesn't show up. Could this be because a CR doesn't have a parent/child function and the #parent-header-space doesn't exist in the CR form?
Edit: @john_doyle
Is it possible that you are using a different relationship to associate the CR and RR workitems? You could try replacing all the references to RelatesToWorkItem with HasRelatedWorkItems in the script and test again.
That doesn't work for us either. I'm only creating relationships through the portal.
Hi, this looks great! Is this added to the incident.js file?
As we are implementing a problem management in our environment in the next few months, this custom solution would be really helpful. But it seems like it is no longer working in 11.8.4 - But I don't receive any error messages in the dev tools.
As Cireson is using this one as well, I wanted to ask if some adjustments to the code are necessary and if, if you could publish this code :)