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So a bit confused here... you are developing a watch list feature but it will not be operational unless the customer develops a runbook? Seems a bit like saying here is a cake and supplying the ingredants but you have to make it. I hope that I am reading this wrong.
Also if you need to create a SCORCH runbook what would you have to have for that to function correctly?
I know if the Cireson ServiceManagement database was refreshed and all tickets were re-synced this could cause a lot of spam so I don't know if you could tell a ticket was simply updated or was created and a notification was already sent out so don't send out another one.....
I'm assuming when a ticket is removed from the console and then removed in the Cireson DB, that the corresponding watchlist rows will be removed as well if the ticket can no longer be found. Can it be ensured this "removal of Watchlist rows" runs in the middle of the night.... it'd be a nightmare to forcefully reset the Cireson DB cache by temporarily removing all workitems and then the Watchlist table rows go bye-bye.
As for the Features mentioned:
Congrats on reading this far into my post!
I understand Cireson wants the most important part of the WatchList functionality, the notifying of the people of the Watchlist, to be handled by the IT in charge of the Portal.
Pray tell, if a perfect and customizable notification system was designed, would Cireson be willing to make said design a part of the Cireson Portal and allow SCSM Admins access to it, much like the Admin Settings, just another button to go to the specific Admin WatchList Settings?
Personally I think the perfect design would allow the following:
Boom Baby, that's my feedback, you wanted it you got it, bam, bam .... BAM!
Edit: I forgot my password after reading that the Watchlist Out-Of-Box won't have notification functionality, so I was hit pretty hard by this news, the fact that this request since May 2016 has just gone into development and then no notification aspect made me lose it.... the password that is, totally lost it. I've dealt with a lot of unfortunate news, but never has it made me forget my password, hopefully Cireson will consider having some basic notification system in place with further releases
@Brad_McKenna At this moment we do not see us building a customization or relationship in the SM Ops DB, and typically we have avoided doing our own customizations of those classes as customers have their own customizations and those would clash.
"Remember we are an agile shop, so R1 may not be everything everyone wants, but after we drop R1 and everyone uses the feature we can tune R1 accordingly."
We can spend months developing something, or weeks to get a R1 out and tune along the way. If notifications becomes the next need here, we can always consider next in the conversation however as of right now we are going to utilize the Dashboard to surface the data. I assume that notifications will be the next thing, however it will be an interesting item to develop as we are not the notification engine. Really interested to see how this bakes with everyone, get feedback and then tune accordingly.
It would effectively being reading changes you are concerned with on a Work Item, i.e. modified date, status change, whatever, and then based upon that trigger and someone being on a Watch List, sending an email out.
As we haven't actually started "developing" the solution just yet, we can't answer every question you have as is in flight. We will take your comments into consideration as being developed, and as we are closer to building out the exact functional requirements can share as appropriate. Again, we will take your notes into consideration when go through design, etc...
Very soon. Its in the next version, expected before the end of the year for sure.
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I see the Portal admin setting: EnableWatchlist = True
I see the Cireson ServiceManagement DB table known as [dbo].[WatchList]
Yet the only columns are the UserId and WorkItemId......
So basically all Cireson did was make a table with 2 columns, add an admin setting, and then entered in a bit of code on workitems to add to the table for another program to then scan and do with accordingly.......
But I don't see where we can add users to a watchlist, which is really odd.
Don't forget to add it to your analyst related items tab as well as your end user tab.
Templates here: C:\inetpub\CiresonPortal\Scripts\forms\templates
Perhaps that's a future feature so we don't have to add the following code to our custom forms?
Although I do really like the idea of choosing what properties to display for the users in a WatchList!
I would have also thought the watchlist user prompt would be better if it was in the request offering solution like the rest of the prompt types, doesn't seem logical that this prompt sits on its own. Also if it done this way you could show and hide the watch list depending on conditions, this is the whole concept behind the advanced request offering solution.
How's everyone else finding it?
@Shaun_EricsonShould we keep our eyes open on here for a SCORCH Runbook to be made available as mentioned back in early October
Heres an example emailing watchlist users on a workitem action log comments from an Analyst, im sure someone smarter could come up with a nicer powershell solution rather than use DB queries:
I do understand that this initial release did not meet ALL of your expectations, but I hope that you will see it as intended in regards to the new functionality provided here. We have stepped outside the bounds of SCSM for this particular feature and moved the data into our own database. This provides us with a number of new capabilities that were not possible previously:
- You can now build dashboards on the watchlist
- You can report on the watchlist out of SQL
- New API endpoints were exposed to allow for integration of the watchlist into other applications
I'm excited to see what everyone does with this new functionality, along with what new features the community would like to see added to it.
Thanks again for all your support!