Query Result - Return members of an AD group
I trying to create an approver query result prompt for a request, but I can not get the query to return the individual members of an AD Authorised Approver Group.
Is it possible?
I can have it return the AD group or individually selecting users, but I was hoping to use something that wouldn't require updating individual users in SM, just adding / removing from an AD group.
Best Answer
Morten_Meisler Premier Partner Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭No this relationship (ad group membership) is unfortunately not set in scsm, so you can't see group memberships. You would have to make your own workflow with a script to check ad group membership for each user (in AD) and then make a relationship.
If it's just one group you are interested in, you could get inspired by my script here to sync members of a group and set a property on the user. This is made for VIP users but could just as well be for another type. Then in your query result criteria you show only those where the boolean property is true (or another type of property)
If it's just one group you are interested in, you could get inspired by my script here to sync members of a group and set a property on the user. This is made for VIP users but could just as well be for another type. Then in your query result criteria you show only those where the boolean property is true (or another type of property)