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I need to create a view (in console) that displays the Last Inventory Date (SCCM CI) for the Asset

Eric_KrasnerEric_Krasner Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
While the Associated Configuration Item is included in the Cireson Hardware Asset (Views) Combination Class, there are only 4 items available for the view (all others are available for the Criteria.

Is there anyway to update this or has anyone created a custom type projection that will take care of this?  Thanks


  • Michael_AidinovichMichael_Aidinovich Cireson Solution Architect Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭

    Hi Eric

    You are correct, the Criteria uses all properties on configitem classes so LastInventoryDate is there.  But Display uses HardwareAssetHasAssociatedCI relationship which targets "configItem", not "Windows Computer". 

    You could create your view and save the MP, modify the MP XML and point to the related "WindowsComputer\LastInventoryDate".  Don’t know the syntax, but should work.


  • Eric_KrasnerEric_Krasner Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    Thanks.  I don't know the syntax either.  I was just wondering if it wouldn't be easier/repeatable if there was a way to either update or create a new type projection, although I am not sure how to go about that either.
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