Home Configuration Manager Ticker

Timeout on CAS by adressing a user collection


At first, i have read the thread of Angie from Juli 2016 and i know the paragraphs of the Ticker documentation.

The ticker admin app is startet from and lonly installed on the CAS (SCCM CB 1702, small development environment) console. Announcments to an device collection work pretty fine, over and over and over again. B)  By testing user collections I always get the following Timeout-Message >:) :

I have tried editting the Max Policy Wait Time with no success or change.
After 15 to 25 minutes the banner accurs, but in the history that announcement is not listet. How could this one be cancelt?

wally wrote, he always installs the ticker admin app on CAS and PRI. Maybe this has influence?
Has the ticker admin app installed always together on CAS and PRI? I think it was optional.

Best regards,

Best Answer


  • Daniel_HoenigDaniel_Hoenig Member IT Monkey ✭
    Yes, User Device Affinity is set and working.
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