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What is the difference between Warranty and Support and Maintenance?

Chris_SuchadollChris_Suchadoll Customer IT Monkey ✭

I am creating a renewal warranty for a Kodak scanner and do I choose the Warranty or Support and Maintenance or both?  What is the difference?


  • Eric_KrasnerEric_Krasner Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    @Chris_Suchadoll You would use Warranty for your Hardware assets.  Most of the time Support and Maintenance would be for  your Software Assets. 

  • damon_mulligandamon_mulligan Cireson Consultant Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    edited July 2017
    Warranty - Static Start and End dates, or Master status (Applies to HW Assets)
    Lease - Static Start and End dates, or Master status (Applies to HW Assets)
    Support & Maintenance - Static Start and End dates, NO Master status (Applies to HW or SW Assets)
    A HW Asset can have a Warranty or Lease, and a Support & Maintenance contract
    A SW Asset can have a Support & Maintenance contract
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