Adding Favorites to the Browse by Category Section
Best Answer
Nicholas_Velich Cireson Consultant Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭There is an API call that returns the current user's favorite request offerings: http://yourportalurlhere/Help/Api/GET-api-V3-ServiceCatalog-GetFavoriteRequestOffering_userId_returnAmount_isScoped_skipCount_takeCoun
You could certainly use that API call to add a new category using JavaScript, but it would not be a trivial effort.5
I have three screenshots here to classify these different home views, as they often get mixed up:
Home (original)
Home (alternate)
Home (newest)
A "browse by category" feature is only available in the original and newest home pages; the alternate doesn't have a category browse and is best used with smaller service catalogs.
As far as the "favorites browse" functionality is concerned, that is only present in the newest home page.
You could certainly use that API call to add a new category using JavaScript, but it would not be a trivial effort.