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Adding Favorites to the Browse by Category Section

Larry_EllisLarry_Ellis Customer IT Monkey ✭
I was wondering if its possible to add a users "favorites" to the browse by category section on the home page? I have seen some screenshots of others who have a category called favorites but I have not been able to find how to add that functionality. I know how to add a category in Service Manager Console under Service Offering Category Lists but im assuming just adding a favorites category there wont do anything. As information we are using the home page alternate view. 

Best Answer


  • Nicholas_VelichNicholas_Velich Cireson Consultant Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
    Hey Larry,

    I have three screenshots here to classify these different home views, as they often get mixed up:

    Home (original)

    Home (alternate)

    Home (newest)

    A "browse by category" feature is only available in the original and newest home pages; the alternate doesn't have a category browse and is best used with smaller service catalogs.

    As far as the "favorites browse" functionality is concerned, that is only present in the newest home page.

  • Larry_EllisLarry_Ellis Customer IT Monkey ✭
    I guess we are using the home original page. Is there no way through javascript to add the favorites section as a category?
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