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Ability to limit KB Articles to specific groups
If the limiting group is empty then everyone could see it, but if there is a value of an AD Group then limit it's ability to be searched or viewed to only members of that group.
- As a KB Author, I want to be able to assign one or more support groups (From the Incident Tier Queue Enumeration List) to allow them view access to the end user content of a support article.
- As a KB Author, I want to be able to assign one or more support groups (From the Incident Tier Queue Enumeration List) to allow them view access to the end analyst content of a support article.
- As a KB Author, I want to be able to allow or deny end users to have view access to a support article.
We're about to roll out the portal to our end users and currently there are 100's of technical articles that just show blank to the users.
Would be great to hide them altogether!
Feature requests usually have to get enough votes to get to the top of the list before the dev team will look at adding it in to the backlog and then get it in to the product.
As this request only have 20 votes so far, my guess is it will take a while before it gets to the top of the list.
If it is an easy code fix then the dev team might include it in a future release as a "Quick Win" but I'm not sure what's involved from the code side of things.
Hopefully this will make it in to the product but there is no way to know when.
+1 from for sure!
+1 for me too.
We currently have multiple support groups in IT.
Support Groups:
1) Operations
2) Data Analytics
3) DBA
4) Process Improvement
My Team (Operations) has documentation which may have sensitive data (server names, queries, passwords) which we do not want other Support Groups to View. An addition of doing this by security groups in AD would be a huge help.
I'll see what I can do about getting them merged.
We would like this also.
Hopefully there could be an update on this topic?