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Can I chnage the displayed number of listed Top Requests/Favourites etc to 3 instead of 5.

Mat_BarnierMat_Barnier Premier Partner IT Monkey ✭
I have a need to change the listed number for these from the Alternate View for the Service Catalogue when it displays in the block from 5 items listed to 3 to reduce the real estate it used. Been digging in the js code and cant see where I can change this, any ideas?

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    Billy_WilsonBilly_Wilson Member Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
    You can change the popularity of an RO directly from the database see KB Article here...
    Always back up the db before making any changes.

    The long and short of it is that if the RO has a NULL value in the Popularity field in the RequestOffering table, it will not show up in the list. If it has an integer, it will. The lower the integer, the higher the RO is on the list. So you can drop 2 ROs from your list by changing the field from a value to NULL on the 2 you select to drop.

    Hope this helps

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    Mat_BarnierMat_Barnier Premier Partner IT Monkey ✭
    The list that is presented on the screen for the alternate request offering screen presents at the top "Top knowledge articles" and 'My Favourite Requests" as lists before the catalogue below it. Popular Requests is not one of the panels unfortunately, so that technique wont help here as both list are left and right. The panel shows 5 of each if available on the left and right. I want to cut that down to 3 deep from the 5 deep. We also wanted to swap the My Favourite Requests for "Most Popular Requests". But there must be a way to directly limit the lists by either js code or I suspect css that defies the size of the panel that it populates.
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    Mat_BarnierMat_Barnier Premier Partner IT Monkey ✭
    Solved part of this, to replace "My Favorites" list on the Right with the "Top Requests" needed to edit CiresonPortal\Scripts\viewPanels\alternateSC\view.html find the section <!-- FAVORITES/TOP LISTS--> and swap the <div> sections for the topROs and favROs so they order like that when processed.
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    Billy_WilsonBilly_Wilson Member Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
    Hi Mat,

    This is from one of our Consultants:

    if you're looking for a 1-liner js, something like:
    (for permanent use within the Portal, you'd have to put this inside a setTimeout, or mutationobserver, or ajaxstop method, since the KAs load after the page loads, so a document.ready alone won't suffice)
    Or you might be able to cheat with some tacky CSS, if allowed.
    .catalog-content .col-sm-4 {
       max-height: 200px;
       overflow: hidden;

    It my understanding that @Brett_Moffett is also looking into this for you. Hope this helps.
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    Mat_BarnierMat_Barnier Premier Partner IT Monkey ✭
    The css does not work. I did get the structured catalogue view set at 3 lines for them. The file CiresonPortal\Scripts\ng\sc\listing\Controler.js where they are queried and rendered has "5" hard coded in the code. I changed these to 3 and it worked in that view. Unfortunately that is not the view I wanted to change, "Alternate" catalogue view is. It looks like different coders have worked on these and have approached them differently and I cannot see where it is defined in that module. I am note sure what to do with the js line suggested above or what module it would be applicable to, I am not trying to programmatically access them, just change the amount displayed. I need top requests, top KB, and Favourite Requests, not just the top-ka. I am sure there is a configuration or file that defines the amount returned and rendered. Yes, I had asked Brett to see if he could get some info from someone on where this is configured.
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    Mat_BarnierMat_Barnier Premier Partner IT Monkey ✭
    Thanks, that has worked is a much nicer solution than editing the code. But you have to do what you have to do to get the result you need. I don't think anyone expects support for code they have changed but we don't want reasons to be asked to explore alternate tools either.
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