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SQL ServiceManager Class Properties and Relationships - CIRESON SENPAI NOTICE ME!

Conner_WoodConner_Wood Customer Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
Cireson, the community wants you to make it better, make the search better and dynamically get the properties and relationships of the class you are targeting!

Here is your headstart for Class Properties:
WITH cte_Children AS 
  SELECT a.[ManagedTypeId], a.[BaseManagedTypeId]
  FROM [dbo].[ManagedType] a
  WHERE a.TypeName = 'System.WorkItem.Incident'
  UNION ALL -- Get Children
  SELECT a.[ManagedTypeId], a.[BaseManagedTypeId]
  FROM [dbo].[ManagedType] a 
  JOIN cte_Children c 
  ON a.[BaseManagedTypeId] = c.[ManagedTypeId]
  AND a.[IsExtensionType] = 1
,cte_Parents AS
  SELECT a.[ManagedTypeId], a.[BaseManagedTypeId]
  FROM [dbo].[ManagedType] a
  WHERE a.TypeName = 'System.WorkItem.Incident'
  SELECT c.[ManagedTypeId], c.[BaseManagedTypeId]
  FROM [dbo].[ManagedType] c (nolock)
  JOIN cte_Parents p
  ON p.[BaseManagedTypeId] = c.[ManagedTypeId]  -- this is the recursion to get parent of child.
,cte_ClassFilter AS
SELECT [BaseManagedTypeId], [ManagedTypeId]
FROM cte_Parents
SELECT [BaseManagedTypeId], [ManagedTypeId]
FROM cte_Children
SELECT ClassProp.[ManagedTypePropertyId]
FROM [dbo].[ManagedTypeProperty] ClassProp (nolock)

JOIN [dbo].[ManagedType] Class (nolock)
ON Class.[ManagedTypeId] = ClassProp.[ManagedTypeId]
AND Class.ManagedTypeId IN 
  SELECT ManagedTypeId 
  FROM cte_ClassFilter
The above query gives you back all the class properties that the Incident can save!

Here is your headstart for Class Relationships:
USE [ServiceManager];

  SELECT MT.[ManagedTypeId], MT.[BaseManagedTypeId]
  FROM [dbo].[ManagedType] MT (nolock)
  WHERE MT.[TypeName] = 'System.WorkItem.Incident' -- This is the class you want to see all the relationships it can be a part of.
  SELECT c.[ManagedTypeId], c.[BaseManagedTypeId]
  FROM [dbo].[ManagedType] c (nolock)
  JOIN CTE_Class p
  ON p.[BaseManagedTypeId] = c.[ManagedTypeId]  -- this is the recursion to get parent of child.
,Class_Relationships AS
  SELECT [RelationshipTypeId]
  FROM [dbo].[RelationshipType] RT (nolock)

  JOIN CTE_Class SourceFilter
  ON SourceFilter.[ManagedTypeId] = RT.[SourceManagedTypeId]

  UNION --Just UNION removes Duplicates

  SELECT [RelationshipTypeId]
  FROM [dbo].[RelationshipType] RT (nolock)

  JOIN CTE_Class TargetFilter
  ON TargetFilter.[ManagedTypeId] = RT.[TargetManagedTypeId]
SELECT RT.[RelationshipTypeId]
FROM Class_Relationships

JOIN [dbo].[RelationshipType] RT (nolock)
ON RT.[RelationshipTypeId] = Class_Relationships.[RelationshipTypeId]
The above query returns only relationship classes that an incident is able to be related to (though you would have to determine if you should relate to source or target).

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