What role is required for a Reviewer?
I have a user that is in the AD group specified within the Cireson portal under Admin settings Approve/Reject. The user is also in Activity Implementers group within SCSM. However, the user gets Request Failed when trying to approve a Review Activity from within the portal. What does the user need?
Alternatively, if you run the following StoredProcedure in ServiceManagement you should also get a quick "user has rights or they don't" response.
I have run that and the user has access to all work items but neither the SR or RA can be found
Found 0 work item(s) matching id: SR7412 Found 1 user(s) matching user name: jwa User: Jeff A - Id: C8A90A3C-F800-FC0D-5A86-5AC4788E44B2 - Domain\UserName: COHXX\JWA - DistinguishedName: CN=Jeff Avery,OU=Information Technology,OU=Users,OU= - Has Permission to Access ALL Work Items in the System (1 row(s) affected)Have you solve the problem?
It appears to be working but I am not sure what is different.