Direct link to a RO that is published, but not associated with an SO
Best Answer
Joe_Burrows Cireson Devops Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭Its possible just not supported as could easily change in a future release.
In current versions the URLs are fashioned in the below format: PORTALURL/SC/ServiceCatalog/RequestOffering/RequestOffering-ID,ServiceOffering-ID
Example, I have a request offering called "test 1" not attached to a service offering. I can obtain the needed ID running the below SQLSELECT [Id] ,[Title] FROM [ServiceManagement].[dbo].[RequestOffering] SELECT [Id] ,[Title] FROM [ServiceManagement].[dbo].[ServiceOffering]
Picking a Service Offering GUID (even though its not attached), the below page will load:,f0ec528a-3478-9962-2504-8de407195679
In current versions the URLs are fashioned in the below format: PORTALURL/SC/ServiceCatalog/RequestOffering/RequestOffering-ID,ServiceOffering-ID
Example, I have a request offering called "test 1" not attached to a service offering. I can obtain the needed ID running the below SQL
Picking a Service Offering GUID (even though its not attached), the below page will load:,f0ec528a-3478-9962-2504-8de407195679