Deleted Work Items showing in Portal
So before we went live with SCSM, it was decided to delete all the test Work Items from the database to "Start Clean".
However, when looking at the My Work or My Requests views in the Cireson Portal, all the Work Items that were deleted from the SM Database are still showing up.
How can I get rid of these, no longer existent, work items?
Best Answer
damon_mulligan Cireson Consultant Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
1. Delete WI from ServiceManager DB
2. Stop the CacheBuilder service
3. In the ServiceManagement DB:
truncate table LastModified
truncate table WorkItem
4. Restart the CacheBuilder7
1. Delete WI from ServiceManager DB
2. Stop the CacheBuilder service
3. In the ServiceManagement DB:
truncate table LastModified
truncate table WorkItem
4. Restart the CacheBuilder