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No Search Results In Either Search Bar On Home Screen

I am getting no results when initiating a search from the search bars, nothing from any of the categories from the one at the top of the Home screen (where you choose between Work Items, Knowledge Base, or Service Catalog), and nothing from the lower search bar that lets you filter by incidents, service requests, and favourite requests. Not sure what's up - any ideas?

I just updated to v8.2 of the Cireson Portal, but I noticed this wasn't working on the previous build I had installed from a few months ago.

Best Answer


  • john_doylejohn_doyle Cireson Support Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
    Hi @Alex_Jensen

    Can you check if full-text indexing is installed on your SQL Server? Run this query on the server which hosts the ServiceManagement database. Does it return 1? If not you will need to add Full-Text Search to your SQL Server and then run the Portal installer again.

    SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('IsFullTextInstalled')

    If you open Developer Tools in the browser, do you see errors on the Network tab while searching for objects in the database?
  • Alex_JensenAlex_Jensen Customer IT Monkey ✭
    edited November 2017 Answer ✓
    Thanks for your response, John!

    SQL is set up for Full-Text search.

    After conducting a search which yields no results, in the Network tab of the Developer's Tools, I see these 2 404 errors:

       Request URL: http://servername/Scripts/kendo/2016.1.226/jquery.min.map
       Request URL: http://servername/Scripts/libs/jquery.caret.map

    When I browse to that directory those files are indeed missing. Not sure why.

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