Need help finding HTML element for Filter Search bar drop down box
Hi guys,
We are currently rebranding the portal.
With the custom background we feel white text fits best.
For all forms I got everything figured out with lots of trial and error
There is just 1 last thing I would like to get fixed: the Filter Search bar drop down box
I cannot seem to find the html element to manipulate the color of the box background.
Can anyone help me finding it?
Best Answer
john_doyle Cireson Support Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭Hi @Filip_Theyssens
Try .filters-wrapper .filters {<br> background-color: pink;<br>}<br>.search-directive .filters-wrapper .filters .filter-column-header p {<br> background-color: pink;<br>}
I tested this in my custom.css, and it worked.
hello @john_Doyle
This seems to have changed the color of the button to access the drop down menu to yellow, but not the actual background of the dropdown menu
Did I do something wrong?
I pasted the the bit you tested in your custom css
Try this: