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SSP v8.2.2.2012 and App Pool

Jerrett_FergusonJerrett_Ferguson Customer IT Monkey ✭
We upgraded to SSP v8.2.2.2012 on 1/8/2018.  We had a day of poor performance and I did some IIS tweaks and since then it's been performing great for us.  I happened to look in the application event log on the IIS/Portal server and I'm seeing this error message about every 10 minutes since the upgrade

Cannot open database "ServiceManager" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user '<AppPool ServiceID'.

I may be missing it, but I don't see anywhere in the documentation where it says the app pool ID should have access to the ServiceManager database.  I have not given permissions in SQL for that ID to have any rights on the ServiceManager DB.  The AppPool ID has DBOwner rights on the ServiceManagement and the CiresonAnalytics DB's but that's it.  The AppPool ID is also in the Administrators role within Service Manager. 

Is this error anything to be concerned about?  Should I be giving the AppPool permissions on the ServiceManager database?  The portal has been performing well for us since the upgrade, so I'm reluctant to change anything if I don't have to. 



  • Tony_CollettTony_Collett Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's not going to hurt if you add the account to access the ServiceManager database, best thing that will happen would be to remove the constant error. 
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