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Need help with custom lists and presenting them in the form on the portal

Eric_KrasnerEric_Krasner Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
I have created a Sealed MP that has a number of lists we have created that will be used with Hardware Assets.  I have extended the HW Asset class to add this list fields. I have populated the lists with the values being saved in an Unsealed MP only used for that purpose.  In the Console, the lists show up on the Extensions tab and they work fine.  I have modified the HardwareAsset.js file (put it in the CustomSpace folder) to create a new tab and place all the lists there.  The form loads with no issues.  However, I cannot get the list values to appear nor will any value show where I selected a list value in the Console.

I am guessing it has to do with how I have coded the new fields in the js file, but I used the template as a guide.  I also used EntityExplorer to get the Enum_ID of each of the lists. 

Please help.

Best Answers

  • Eric_KrasnerEric_Krasner Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Thank you @Joe_Burrows .  I was having a brain freeze.  I was recycling the app-pool and not restarting it.  Restarting it did the trick.  Thanks.


  • Nicholas_VelichNicholas_Velich Cireson Consultant Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
    Hi Eric,

    Can you post your HardwareAsset.js file here, or at least the line with the custom enum values?

  • Eric_KrasnerEric_Krasner Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    The following was added to the end of the HardwareAsset.js file before the last ]}.  The form itself works and displays the new tab and all the fields.  Its just the fields that are not working.

            name: "AppMatrix",
            content: [
                    customFieldGroupList: [
                            name: "App Matrix - Richard's Fields",
                            rows: [
                                        { DataType: "String", PropertyDisplayName: "AppMatrix Service Classification", PropertyName: "AppMatrix_Service_Category", Required: false, Disabled: true },
    { DataType: "String", PropertyDisplayName: "AppMatrix Business Service", PropertyName: "AppMatrix_Business_Service", Required: false, Disabled: true },
    { DataType: "Enum", PropertyDisplayName: "AppMatrix Cost Object", PropertyName: "AppMatrix_Cost_Object", EnumId: '6a366426-e931-f8d4-c7ce-e2a4bde96579' }
                            name: "AppMatrix - Additional Fields",
                            rows: [
                                    columnFieldList: [
                                         { DataType: "Enum", PropertyDisplayName: "AppMatrix Middleware", PropertyName: "AppMatrix_Middleware", EnumId: "e7855ca7-0f37-0fb2-4f83-b47d92e72286", },
    { DataType: "String", PropertyDisplayName: "AppMatrix Operating System", PropertyName: "AppMatrix_OperatingSystem", Required: false, Disabled: true },
    { DataType: "Enum", PropertyDisplayName: "AppMatrix Security Class", PropertyName: "AppMatrix_SecurityClass", EnumId: "0a2fd03f-45c7-1fc9-6e56-0905455d4a95", }
                                    columnFieldList: [
                                         { DataType: "Date", PropertyDisplayName: "AppMatrix Created Date", PropertyName: "AppMatrix_CreatedDate", Disabled: false },
    { DataType: "Date", PropertyDisplayName: "AppMatrix Decom Date", PropertyName: "AppMatrix_DecomDate", Disabled: false },
    { DataType: "String", PropertyDisplayName: "AppMatrix Maintenance Window OU", PropertyName: "AppMatrix_MaintenanceWindow_OU", Required: false, Disabled: true }
                                    columnFieldList: [
                                         { DataType: "String", PropertyDisplayName: "AppMatrix Notification", PropertyName: "AppMatrix_Notification" },
    { DataType: "Enum", PropertyDisplayName: "AppMatrix STL", PropertyName: "AppMatrix_STL_Enum", EnumId: '1158c648-0c17-4e0e-6312-42f364c2ac5d' },
    { DataType: "Enum", PropertyDisplayName: "SLA Tier", PropertyName: "AppMatrix_SLATier_Enum", EnumId: '217ad7af-da31-f02e-e6d8-04c4f950bb7c' }
                                    columnFieldList: [
    { DataType: "Enum", PropertyDisplayName: "AppMatrix App Support Model", PropertyName: "AppMatrix_AppSupportModel", EnumId: "d3b4f3f5-067f-f120-a5d5-4709eeed92dd" },
    { DataType: "Enum", PropertyDisplayName: "Environment", PropertyName: "WVUSEnvironment", EnumId: '916127db-171d-702d-30af-256745e4eebd' },
    { DataType: "Spacer" }
                                    columnFieldList: [
    { DataType: "LongString", PropertyDisplayName: "AppMatrix Notes", PropertyName: "AppMatrix_Notes", Rows:3, Required: false }
  • Joe_BurrowsJoe_Burrows Cireson Devops Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi Eric

    Assuming you have the correct EnumIds above. Have you restarted your app-pool since adding the list values? Enum values are stored in website memory.
  • Eric_KrasnerEric_Krasner Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    I have used EntityExplorer to get the EnumIDs and I have restarted the app-pool
  • Eric_KrasnerEric_Krasner Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    I believe I did, but now you have me doubting myself.  I will do it again.

  • Nicholas_VelichNicholas_Velich Cireson Consultant Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭
    Make sure to restart the CacheBuilder first, as enums are only updated every 24 hours and on CacheBuilder restart, per https://support.cireson.com/KnowledgeBase/View/1176#/

    After the CacheBuilder has had a few minutes to run, recycle the app pool or restart the website, and the enumerations will then cache.
  • Eric_KrasnerEric_Krasner Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Thank you @Joe_Burrows .  I was having a brain freeze.  I was recycling the app-pool and not restarting it.  Restarting it did the trick.  Thanks.

  • Joe_BurrowsJoe_Burrows Cireson Devops Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    Awesome - glad its working :)
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