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Is there a way to remove the Assign to Me task?

Alan_FosterAlan_Foster Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
I have implemented the Assign To Analyst By Group and disabled the Support Group and Assigned To fields, when a user clicks the Assign To Me task the support group does not change to the correct support group for the analyst.  I would like to disable or just not display the Assign To Me so the analyst has to use the Assign To Analyst By Group so the support group will always be set properly.

Best Answer


  • Alan_FosterAlan_Foster Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
    Thanks, @Justin_Workman

  • Jason_MeyerJason_Meyer Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭

    I still don't understand how these two fields: Support Group and Assigned To are not tied together. What a pain to have to update both, every time a work item goes to a new group.

    What we would like to see:

    If I change the Support Group, give me the options for the new Support Group analysts.

    If I change the Assigned To, give me the options for the new Support Groups that analyst is a member of.

  • Brett_MoffettBrett_Moffett Cireson PACE Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Jason_Meyer

    I can see how this would seem to be the most logical approach. However, the reason behind this approach is more of an SCSM thing than it is a Cireson portal thing.

    When people are navigating the Cireson portal and looking at any grids or views the data is being pulled from the ServiceManagement DB that contains all the data that the CacheBuilder sync's from the ServiceManager DB (Where the SCSM console get's it's data from)

    However, when anyone opens a work item in the console, the data that is seen within that form is pulled directly from ServiceManager as the portal wants to make sure it is showing the most accurate data possible. This means we are stuck with the values that are offered up by SCSM in the ServiceManager DB.

    It would be possible to achieve what you are talking about but in some small organisations, they do not have specific support groups and in medium level organisations, you can have a user that is in multiple support groups, so the process does become more complex the more configurable the solution has to be.

    Having said all of that, this might be a prime example of a good "Add In" that could be created and turned on or off as required.

    Hope this all makes sense.

  • Jason_MeyerJason_Meyer Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭

    Appreciate the info/response @Brett_Moffett.

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