ConfigMgr Current Branch 1602 error
26/05/2016 17:35:09 AD\sa_<Username> : ------------ Initializing new instance of Cireson Ticker App --------------
26/05/2016 17:35:09 AD\sa_<Username> : ------------ Cireson.TickerAdmin version 1.0.2016.5 --------------
26/05/2016 17:35:09 AD\sa_<Username> : ------------ Hosted by System Center Configuration Manager version 5.0.8355.1000 --------------
26/05/2016 17:35:09 AD\sa_<Username> : ------------ Connected to Site <SITECODE> --------------
26/05/2016 17:35:28 AD\sa_<Username> : Preparing to post announcement.
26/05/2016 17:35:28 AD\sa_<Username> : Checking if current user has permissions to initialize client notification.
26/05/2016 17:35:28 AD\sa_<Username> : Current user has permission to initiate client notification, proceeding.
26/05/2016 17:35:28 AD\sa_<Username> : Initiating Client Notification actiontype 8 for collection 'Test Active'
26/05/2016 17:35:29 AD\sa_<Username> : Client Notification method returned operationID 16777665
26/05/2016 17:35:29 AD\sa_<Username> : Getting TaskID for currently processed Client Notification.
26/05/2016 17:35:29 AD\sa_<Username> : Returned TaskID {092d94f6-f897-4492-b23d-c8c1a92de242}
26/05/2016 17:35:29 AD\sa_<Username> : Checking if Inventory Class 'Cireson_Ticker' exists.
26/05/2016 17:35:29 AD\sa_<Username> : Inventory Class 'Cireson_Ticker' exist. Setting Announcement details.
26/05/2016 17:35:29 AD\sa_<Username> : Altering inventory configuration to hold the Announcement.
26/05/2016 17:35:29 AD\sa_<Username> : Mof data retrieved. 1202 characters imported
26/05/2016 17:35:29 AD\sa_<Username> : Connecting to namespace '\\<MyServerName>\root\sms\site_<SITECODE>'.
26/05/2016 17:35:29 AD\sa_<Username> : Importing Mof data into ConfigMgr.
26/05/2016 17:35:29 AD\sa_<Username> : Error: Unable to save inventory configuration.(No inner exception)
26/05/2016 17:35:29 AD\sa_<Username> : Error message: Generic failure
26/05/2016 17:46:47 AD\sa_<Username> : User has cancelled and is exiting the app.
Please do respond to this thread either way so that we know the status of your issue.
When the CAS was removed, the database function [fnIsCasOrStandalonePrimary] was statically returning 0. Got to the bottom of it with the help of a Microsoft ticket. For anyone else reading this, it should return 1.
FUNCTION [dbo].[fnIsCasOrStandalonePrimary]() RETURNS BIT AS BEGIN RETURN 1 END
So you are good now, and your Ticker app works fine? We did have an issue with the Configuration Manager Ticker app in its first release with a CAS. We fixed that issue a few months ago, so any downloads in the past few months should have been for the version that works with the CAS environment. However, it sounds like your issue was more with your physical environment, and not our version of the Ticker app itself.
If you are good now, and if you haven't already marked the thread as answered, please do so to allow easier management of open threads.