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I have created a new service offering but its not being shown in portal.

James_PalmerJames_Palmer Customer IT Monkey ✭


I have created a new service offering but its not being shown in the portal to users, all analysts can see the service offering though.

Thoughts please?




  • Roland_KindRoland_Kind Partner Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭


    maybe the wrong ad group is used - or if new ad groups - replication is not finished (restart Cache builder)

    do the users use the same language as analysts ?

    sometimes deleting the browser cache (deleting files !) could also help.



  • James_PalmerJames_Palmer Customer IT Monkey ✭

    Hi Roland,

    I have tried restarting cache builder and finally resorted to restarting the server, but they do not show for end users?

    I have attached 2 photos - one that the analysts sees and the other the end user see's, the service offering in question is Starnet / Sharepoint



  • Roland_KindRoland_Kind Partner Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭

    Hi James,

    this was a similiar issue: https://community.cireson.com/discussion/comment/13344#Comment_13344

    It looks like, that end-users can see other offerings (e.g. Service request ...) - Have you checked the difference to the new one (AD Groups etc.) ?

    if the problem persists - the cachebuilder creates a logfile (in the bin\logs folder of the portal) - please check the log file for errors.



  • James_PalmerJames_Palmer Customer IT Monkey ✭


    Hi Roland,

    Just checked the end user catalog settings and they are correct, along with language I think that's about it see screenshots.

    What about the "published by" person, as the one for this is my personal login, whereas the other 2 are my server login and my colleagues personal user account?

    Theres nothing in the logs apart from errors back on the 20th March due to windows updates I have attached the file.

    Further thoughts?



  • Roland_KindRoland_Kind Partner Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭


    just to be sure - the catalog group "All User Request ..." contains the proper service offering and all other settings are the same as in the "working" offering ?

    one idea might be: increasing the logging level of the cachebuilder may help us ..

    for the cachebuilder, there is an associated config file ... which contains the following section:

     <logger name="Logger">
          <!-- Suggested for debugging: INFO -->
          <!-- Suggested for production: WARN -->
          <level value="ERROR" />
          <appender-ref ref="ConsoleAppender" />
          <appender-ref ref="RollingLogFileAppender" />
          <appender-ref ref="EventLogAppender" />

    change this temporary to "DEBUG or ALL" - maybe we get some additional info.

    some time ago I had a strange behavior with list entries / enumerations replication which failed.


  • Joe_BurrowsJoe_Burrows Cireson Devops Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    Also check which AD group you have targeted for your custom end user role - you cannot use authentication users. Must be an AD group and that AD group must be synced to SCSM from your AD connector (Check for the group in the console -> Configuration Items -> Users).
  • James_PalmerJames_Palmer Customer IT Monkey ✭

    Just checked the catalog group for the users and saw that the service offering wasn't in there!

    I had forgotten or just hadn't realised that was something else we needed to do.

    Many thanks for your help.

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