Service Manager 1801
I just want to check if anyone has upgraded to SCSM 1801 with the Cireson Analyst Portal installed?
I have upgraded my test environment and have not noticed any issues.
I am on portal version
I have noticed a big jump in the standard SCSM MP versions from 7.5.7487 to and was wondering if that might be an issue for some Cireson functionality.
Best Answer
Tom_Hendricks Customer Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭It isn't holding the credentials, and the runbooks have no connector mapped. This is after re-entering the creds into the admin settings and into the individual templates (including RB instances inside ticket templates). When I manually enter creds and re-map a runbook activity, it runs successfully. It's just not getting saved with the connection and mapping.
This is the only issue we've had with the upgrade in any environment, so far. This is a bit off topic but since this is bringing it to mind, the only issue I had was with Orchestrator--it has a dependency on SQL 2012 Native Client that the installer does not warn you about. If you get an ambiguous DBSetup.exe error, that is probably why. Smooth sailing after figuring that out.
What kind of issues?
This is the only issue we've had with the upgrade in any environment, so far. This is a bit off topic but since this is bringing it to mind, the only issue I had was with Orchestrator--it has a dependency on SQL 2012 Native Client that the installer does not warn you about. If you get an ambiguous DBSetup.exe error, that is probably why. Smooth sailing after figuring that out.
Also, I'm not sure what the difference is between RU5 and 1801. I suspect it is the same but the Authoring tool checks for a specific build number and fails.
I tried to install the RU5 on my 1801test environment and it gave me a similar error than what you got.
M$, mysterious as always...
You just beat me to that comment.
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