Custom DataSource variable
I have created my own get userinfo query, i basically gets everything that GetUserRelatedInfoByUserId gets.
The problem with my enviroment is that it takes up to 10 sec before that API call is finished.
and /Search/GetObjectProperties does not include email
We use it to fill in textprompts with userinfo like Office, departmant, phonenumer etc.
My new query looks like this
USE ServiceManagement DELETE FROM dbo.DataSource WHERE Id = '571f324a-c80b-4ac2-a576-a1ffc8bc78d3' INSERT INTO dbo.DataSource (Id, Title, ConnectionString, Query, DataSourceId) VALUES ('571f324a-c80b-4ac2-a576-a1ffc8bc78d3', 'UserInfoID', NULL, ' SELECT [Id] ,[BusinessPhone] ,[Company] ,[Country] ,[Department] ,[DisplayName] ,[Domain] ,[EmployeeId] ,[FirstName] ,[LastName] ,[Mobile] ,[Office] ,[Pager] ,[UPN] ,[OrganizationalUnit] ,[SID] ,[Title] ,[UserName] ,[EmailAddress1] FROM [ServiceManagement].[dbo].[CI$User] Where ID = @UserId', '1');
But i also want a query where i can pass the ID from a query prompt.
var divGridControls = $("div[data-control=checkboxGridByCriteriaOld"); var thisKendoGrid = $(divGridControls[4]).getKendoGrid(); var kendoGridIndex = 4; thisKendoGrid.kendoGridIndex = kendoGridIndex; thisKendoGrid.bind("change", function (e){ var thisEventKendoGrid = e.sender; var selectedRow =; var uid = thisEventKendoGrid.dataItem(selectedRow).Id; $.ajax({ url: '/api/V3/User/GetUserRelatedInfoByUserId', data: {userId: uid},
Can i create a dashboardquery that i can pass the ID from the selected row of a query prompt?
Then run for ex