does anyone have Sql query to get the Activity Implementer for manual activity.
Best Answer
Roland_Kind Partner Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭
this could be one approach (target ma in bold):
select * from MT_System$Domain$User domuser where domuser.BaseManagedEntityId = (Select relships.TargetEntityId from Relationship relships where relships.SourceEntityId = (select ma.BaseManagedEntityId FROM MT_System$WorkItem$Activity$ManualActivity ma where Id_9A505725_E2F2_447F_271B_9B9F4F0D190C = 'MA3407') and relships.RelationshipTypeId = '15e577a3-6bf9-6713-4eac-ba5a5b7c4722' and relships.IsDeleted=0)5
this could be one approach (target ma in bold):
select * from MT_System$Domain$User domuser where domuser.BaseManagedEntityId = (Select relships.TargetEntityId from Relationship relships where relships.SourceEntityId = (select ma.BaseManagedEntityId FROM MT_System$WorkItem$Activity$ManualActivity ma where Id_9A505725_E2F2_447F_271B_9B9F4F0D190C = 'MA3407') and relships.RelationshipTypeId = '15e577a3-6bf9-6713-4eac-ba5a5b7c4722' and relships.IsDeleted=0)