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additional MAs are stateless

Carol_LeeCarol_Lee Customer IT Monkey ✭
In our Change Request (CR) template, end-users can freely add additional Manual Activities (MAs) as needed.  However, these new MAs do NOT have a state (i.e., "Pending" nor "In Progress") after the CRs are created.  Users needs to refresh the workflow or I need to run some PowerShell scripts to populate the status.  May I know how this can be fixed, so that we can get rid of the manual work?  Please advise.


  • Brian_WiestBrian_Wiest Customer Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    Adding MAs via the portal I’m not native solution from Cireson. What custom add on are you running to enable portal MA additions?
  • Carol_LeeCarol_Lee Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Hi @Brian_Wiest, it was implemented before I joined the company.  The reason for the additional MAs is to capture Tester results before and after the implementation.  Say if there are 5 people testing the solution, we need 5 MAs.  Each MA will go to each individual tester.  If there is a smarter way to do this, please advise.
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