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How Have You Created Magic with the Cireson Self-Service & Analyst Portals?

*Submissions Now Open*

Sharing is caring – It’s your chance to show off a #humblebrag and inspire others within the community on how you’ve gone above and beyond with the Cireson Self-Service Portal and/or Analyst Portal.

Our customers and community members fight the good support fight daily providing top notch customer service. They’ve done some really cool things with the Portal, including adding the ability to preview work items and easy asset searching, making it easier for end users to request support and for Analysts to close tickets.

As another example, check out what the Australian Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure has done to their Portal  below. They’ve divided their Service Catalog into four simple categories so end users can easily navigate to the category they believe best suites their issue and select the type of technology or business unit their request is in regards to. This further enhances ease of use and navigation for end users as they are not presented with all of the options on screen, but rather are presented with choices based on their specific needs.

Click here to see more and submit your customizations

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