Reboot sequence for windows updates
Therefore, we are going to switch to manual on the SQL vm . What is the best way to ensure a save reboot of the back end server? Stop services on the App VM? If so which ones and what if any is the restart sequence?
Best Answer
Adam_Dzyacky Product Owner Contributor Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭Core to Service Manager and the frontend servers you'd need to stop
- System Center Data Access service
- System Center Configuration service
- Microsoft Monitoring Agent
- Cireson Cache Builder service
- System Center Data Access service
- System Center Configuration service
- Microsoft Monitoring Agent
Then onto Cireson you'd need to stop the- Cireson Cache Builder service
At this point, you would have no SCSM nor Cireson communication happening to your backend SQL server(s). Bringing them back up, you'd need to start the Microsoft services first to re-establish connectivity. Once this is done you can start up the Cireson services.