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Account Lockout Location for AD Users.
A good feature would be to have a button that triggers a PowerShell command to show where the account got locked out from like is described here: http://woshub.com/troubleshooting-identify-source-of-active-directory-account-lockouts/
or here: https://silentcrash.com/2018/06/using-powershell-to-trace-the-source-of-account-lockouts-in-active-directory/
This would allow analysts to track the machine that is having the issue due to a service or automation script being used that is locking out the account.
User Stories:
- As an analyst within the user management controls, I want to be able to click a button and get a text report on where potential lockout locations for the selected user are happening.
- As an analyst within the user management controls, I want to be able to select and copy the results of the returned lock out data for use in a ITSM platform.
Having it auto load every time could be a delay that is not needed 90% of the time.
A button to check the status and lock out location would be best.