Password Reset Application configuration
{"AppDomainName":"Main",<br id="null">"KeepRunning":true,<br id="null">"HostWebServer":true,<br id="null">"Urls":["http://*:80","https://*:443"],<br id="null">"WorkerCount":0,<br id="null">"ConnectionString":"Data;Initial Catalog=CiresonPasswordReset;Integrated Security=True",<br id="null">"ShowHelp":false,<br id="null">"Basic":false,<br id="null">"AllowAnonymous":false,<br id="null">"SslCertificateThumbprint":"",<br id="null">"ProductKey":"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",<br id="null">"MasterExtensionName":"PWR",<br id="null">"IsRunningAsService":false,<br id="null">"AdditionalData":null,<br id="null">"PostStartupCommand":null}The end user authentication is behaving unpredictably depending on the browser. In IE or Edge, a username/password prompt is shown, even though you shouldn't need to authenticate to reset a forgotten password. At other times the user is "logged in" transparently. In Firefox, it only shows a message "Application is loading" and nothing else happens.
When I open the admin page, I'm redirected to the password reset page
I did get the app/enroll working by clearing the cache
When I open the admin page, I'm redirected to the password reset page
I did get the app/enroll working by clearing the cache
Restart firefox
In any case, thanks for your time and effort Brian, much appreciated !