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Where is the default query for the workitem search located

Rod_MartenRod_Marten Customer IT Monkey ✭
We have a very strong culture of searching by workitem ID which was supported in the console.  As we migrate to the portal, the default search searches title.  We would like to modify (yes I know it's not supported) the search to search by displayname instead of title.  I thought it would be in the datasource table, but I don't see it.  Any ideas?

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  • Brian_WiestBrian_Wiest Customer Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    Lost me. If you place the WorkItemID in the Work Item search box it will open that item directly. Granted that it is in the Cireson Workitem table.
  • Geoff_RossGeoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.
    Just to clarify, you have to put the full work item ID including the prefix, eg 'IR1234', not just '1234'
  • Rod_MartenRod_Marten Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Our people have a habit of using substrings.
  • Rod_MartenRod_Marten Customer IT Monkey ✭

    So what I landed on was an extension to the Advanced Portal Search solution by Udovich, Hendric, Ross, Henseler, and Coussens search solution.  That let me use my custom search without modifying portal code.

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