Complete Manual activity task
hopefully someone will be able to help me. Do you know how to create custom task which will close "in progress" manual activity? We would like to be able to mark manual activity as Completed directly from Change request or from Service request and if it is last manual activity in workflow also force people to fill Result tab (Implementation Result, Post Implementation Review). Can someone at least guide me how to achieve that.
Best Answer
Justin_Workman Cireson Support Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭Here's a custom task that does what I think you're wanting. It will mark the current MA as completed and let you add a comment. If it's the last activity, it will present a window to select the implementation category and force to you leave a note.
You can add the CompleteMA.js to your inetpub/CiresonPortal/CustomSpace/custom.js file and also copy the html file to your CustomSpace directory. Make sure to remove the .txt extension.7
You can add the CompleteMA.js to your inetpub/CiresonPortal/CustomSpace/custom.js file and also copy the html file to your CustomSpace directory. Make sure to remove the .txt extension.