Update of existing assets whenever a new CI is created
When I check the HA Sync Workflow I see that Hardware Assets are updated, based on the following properties:
Asset Tag
Serial Number
Does this mean that if I have a Hardware Asset (a Computer) (for example imported over the asset import app) and it has a Staus "X" and then the respective CI gets created with a Statuis "Deployed" for examlpe, that the Hadrware Assert won't be updated by the sync workflow?
Or long story short: How exactly are hardware assets being updated?
Many thanks in advance!
Best Answer
Brett_Moffett Cireson PACE Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭The Cireson Asset Management (CAM) Settings within the console are where all of these details are set. Some of the properties for the asset are never updated (such as status) as that is specific to the asset, but properties such as CPU, RAM, Disk, Make, Model, Manufacturer, Primary User, Asset Number etc. are all updated from SCCM if the data has changed.
The status should only get changed when an Asset Admin takes an action to do so.
This might be a manual process either through the console, portal or the Asset Excel app, or it might be from a Service Request that automates the change of a value instead based on business logic etc.
I hope this helps a little.5
The status should only get changed when an Asset Admin takes an action to do so.
This might be a manual process either through the console, portal or the Asset Excel app, or it might be from a Service Request that automates the change of a value instead based on business logic etc.
I hope this helps a little.
thanks for your valuable input. This helps indeed!