PR support grup
We have extended our problem class with support group.
I would like to create views and dashboards to only display workitems from certain groups.
The problem is that TierID is NULL for all our problems, i understand that this is NULL as it does not cache supportgroup for problem as it doesnt exist OOB.
But can i extend this somehow to sync TierID to the ServiceManagement database?
Best Answers
seth_coussens Member Ninja IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭Magnus, I'm assuming that TierID is the new customer property that you added and are assigning the new problem support group to?
Assuming that is the case, and you've populated the value in some fashion already (it would be null by default if it has not yet been set) then it should show up in the portal FORM, but not in any grids. You could use a SQL query to with the dashboard SQL table widget to show a table that included this data out of the box today, by accessing the ServiceManager rather than ServiceManagement database.
You can definitely customize the portal forms to show this new field as an enumeration.5 -
Adam_Dzyacky Product Owner Contributor Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
Assuming that is the case, and you've populated the value in some fashion already (it would be null by default if it has not yet been set) then it should show up in the portal FORM, but not in any grids. You could use a SQL query to with the dashboard SQL table widget to show a table that included this data out of the box today, by accessing the ServiceManager rather than ServiceManagement database.
You can definitely customize the portal forms to show this new field as an enumeration.
I have added the new property to both the PR form in the console and the portal.
I havent worked with the SM database that much before, but i will try. Thanks!