SQL Table Widget Date Format
SELECT TOP 30000 wi.WorkItemId AS [Id], wi.Created, wi.AffectedUser, wi.Title, dsstatus.DisplayString as [Status], wi.AssignedUser, dssupport.DisplayString as [Support Group], wi.ResolvedDate
FROM WorkItem AS wi
LEFT JOIN [Enumeration] enum ON enum.EnumerationID = wi.TierId
LEFT JOIN [DisplayString] dssupport ON dssupport.ElementID=enum.EnumerationID and dssupport.LocaleID = 'ENU'
LEFT JOIN [DisplayString] dsstatus ON dsstatus.ElementID=wi.StatusId and dsstatus.LocaleID = 'ENU'
LEFT JOIN [DisplayString] dsimpact ON dsimpact.ElementID=wi.Impact and dsimpact.LocaleID = 'ENU'
LEFT JOIN [DisplayString] dsurgency ON dsurgency.ElementID=wi.urgency and dsurgency.LocaleID = 'ENU'
Where ClassId='E6C9CF6E-D7FE-1B5D-216C-C3F5D2C7670C' and wi.Created>='2018-01-01'
ORDER BY wi.Created ASC
Are both environments running the same version of Service Manager Portal?
To Geoff's point they are not running the same version! I will update tonight and see if that fixes that issue.