Configure Send Email
I have some questions regarding the Send Email.
When I send an email from an incident in the portal to the end user I kind of miss some settings/information.
Today the email only contains the IR# in the subject and then my comment, no history.
1: I would like to auto provide an url to the incident so the users can click on that in the email so they don't need to copy the IR# and then paste it into the Portal to find the ticket.
2: I would like that each email contains the original description of the incident and maybe previous mail conversations.
Also, we are a bit confused over here and don't really know what functionality comes with the portal and which comes with the "advanced email app".
We can see that someone prior us have installed "itnetx Advanced Send Email" and it seems to be version 2.2. Don't really know if we need to upgrade that or if we can remove it if the portal already have all the email functionality available.
Best Answer
Service_Desk2 Member IT Monkey ✭ok, I kind of solved it with the usage of "Action Log Mention Notifications"<strong>{{EnteredBy : ActionLog}}</strong> Mentioned you in: {{Id : WorkItem}}<br><br>"{{Description : ActionLog}} "<br><br><a href="https://Portal/Search/RedirectToWorkItem?searchText={{Id : WorkItem}}">Link to Workitem</a><br><br><Strong>Workitem description</strong><br>{{Description : WorkItem}}
This gives me almost everything i asked for except comment history0
This gives me almost everything i asked for except comment history