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Advanced Request Offering Icons Not Updating

Matt_OvertonMatt_Overton Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
Just wondering (before I raise a Cireson support ticket) if anyone else has had this issue:

I'm trying to standardise our icons displayed on the portal homepage. Therefore, I've amended the icons (SCSM Console > Published Request Offerings > Edit Advance Request Offering) for about 19 offerings.

I've restarted the Cache Builder service and only two of the icons have actually updated. All the other offerings still have the old icons and don't match what's in SCSM at all. I've checked the CacheBuilder.log file which I had left set to log all events after a previous issue and there are no errors. It reports successfully updating the request offerings.

It's been a few hours now and it's still on the old icons. Not confident it would make a difference, but I've also restarted the app pool and reset IIS. No change.

All icons are .PNG files of 1/2KB in size. Anyone have any ideas please?

Best Answers

  • Brian_WiestBrian_Wiest Customer Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    @Matt_Overton Did you unplublish the offering and publish?
    Learned the hard way the doing a minor change most including my self would just open the RO make the change and save. But that would not update the offering as the publish date didn't change so the cache builder moved past it on the sync cycle.
    Couple of ways to address.
    First unpublish and publish again. This will update the date allowing the cache builder to pick it up the next cycle.
    Second if you want to faster then waiting for sync.
    In the database 
    Delete LastModified where Name = 'SeriveOffering'
    The restart the cache builder. This will force a sync of all service catalog items, regardless of publication dates.
    Once SerivceOffering reappears in the LastModified table you will see any changes in the portal. Just remember to clear your cache so the icons update.

  • Patrick_ChambersPatrick_Chambers Cireson Consultant Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You can try the truncating the last modified table of the ServiceManagement DB.

    Here is link to instructions:  



  • Patrick_ChambersPatrick_Chambers Cireson Consultant Adept IT Monkey ✭✭

    Try an app pool recycle and website restart.
  • Matt_OvertonMatt_Overton Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
    Thanks @Patrick_Chambers, I've done both with no success. It's also quiet here due to the half term, so I've also completely bounced the server and it's STILL doggedly holding onto the rubbish old icons.

    Maybe I'm being too impatient. Guess I'll check back next week and see if it's caught up.
  • Brian_WiestBrian_Wiest Customer Super IT Monkey ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    @Matt_Overton Did you unplublish the offering and publish?
    Learned the hard way the doing a minor change most including my self would just open the RO make the change and save. But that would not update the offering as the publish date didn't change so the cache builder moved past it on the sync cycle.
    Couple of ways to address.
    First unpublish and publish again. This will update the date allowing the cache builder to pick it up the next cycle.
    Second if you want to faster then waiting for sync.
    In the database 
    Delete LastModified where Name = 'SeriveOffering'
    The restart the cache builder. This will force a sync of all service catalog items, regardless of publication dates.
    Once SerivceOffering reappears in the LastModified table you will see any changes in the portal. Just remember to clear your cache so the icons update.

  • Patrick_ChambersPatrick_Chambers Cireson Consultant Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You can try the truncating the last modified table of the ServiceManagement DB.

    Here is link to instructions:  

  • Matt_OvertonMatt_Overton Customer Adept IT Monkey ✭✭
    @Patrick_Chambers @Brian_Wiest

    Thank you! truncating the table sorted it out. All the icons have updated now. :smile:
  • Geoff_RossGeoff_Ross Cireson Consultant O.G.
    Hi Thread,

    Just wanted to clarify here for everyone's future benefit. Its actually all down to the Last Modified Date of the Request Offering (which you can't even see anywhere in the console but does exist) which is what the CB uses to determine if something has changed since last sync and therefore needs resyncing. This is the case for everything the CB syncs.

    When CB starts working on a particular type of item, it checks for any items that have a Last Modified Date newer than the one it has stored in the LastModified table. It then update the LastModified table with the current time for the next run.

    Here's the part that catches everybody out: When you change the icon on an RO, it doesn't update the Last Modified Date because for some reason, the console doesn't see that as a change - some complex reason around Service Manager and its Entity Change Log.

    So, truncating the Last Modified Table (or just deleting that one row in question) works because the CB no longer has any date to compare to so it resyncs everything. Unpublishing and republishing works, because both those things will update the Last Modified Date. However, changing any other property will also work, eg add and then remove a Space on the end of the Description.

    Glad its all sorted though,

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