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activities multiple when i refresh on Change Request templates

Mina_SaidiMina_Saidi Customer IT Monkey ✭
Hi All,

I have noticed that when i complete an activity within a change request, or simple make a change on a CR template, the activities multiple. its random and confusing. I have restarted the cache builder, and IIS. tried different browsers, cleared by browser settings and the same thing happens.

I have noticed this only on CRs and not SRs.

we have workflows enabled for SRs to apply certain templates when certain category are selected but this doesn't seem to be because of the workflows.

the workflow is only when the "impact" is changed to apply the relevant template. the workflow is working well, so i dont think this is causing the multiple activities applying.

anyone see this before? any ideas? its confused me.

Thank you.

Best Answer


  • Mina_SaidiMina_Saidi Customer IT Monkey ✭
    Thanks Tony, appreciate the help and advice today.
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