Duplicate hidden Views
$mgmtServer = "localhost"
<div>Get-SCSMView -name "View.*" -ComputerName $mgmtServer | Sort-Object DisplayName | Group-Object DisplayName | Sort-Object Count</div>
Get-SCSMView -name "View.GUIDHERE" -computername $mgmtServer
And then compare those differences to find the one true View that is represented in the console and the hidden one that is still stored in the MP. After which, I can simply do the following:
$viewToDelete = Get-SCSMView -name "View.GUIDHERE" -computername $mgmtServer<br>Remove-SCSMView -View $viewToDelete -computername $mgmtServer
Sharing this because after I deleted these duplicate hidden views that were made through Cireson View Builder, I've had slight Console performance gains. Interested if anyone else experiences not just this issue but the result as well.