Prevent customers from updating closed work items
Hi, this is my first question for the community so go easy on me
We would like to prevent customers from adding updates to closed work items on the portal. Or at least flash up a notification asking customers to raise a new work item if the status of the item they are updating is closed.
what would be the best way to go about this?
Best Answer
Nick_Flint Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭You could simply hide the save/apply/cancel buttons by adding something like this to the custom.js file:
$(document).ready(function(){ var vm = pageForm.viewModel; if (vm.Status.Name == "Closed"){ $("#drawer-taskbar").hide(); } });
Yes you are correct but I think in this case he is referring to the Action Log which is not disabled by default.
Hi, that's what we thought too! but we've tested with customers and they are able to update closed WIs
EDIT: cheers @Shane_White , that appears to be the case :-)