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Knowledge Base Raw Data - Bulk change content

David_JohnsenDavid_Johnsen Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭

Sorry if this has been posted elsewhere, I didn't really know what to search for!

We've been using an internal IIS site to host images etc. for our Cireson portal knowledge base, (it was a decision before my time, so not sure why that server was chosen!), that server has now been changed and I need to change hyperlinks typed within hundreds of KBs.

So my question is, does Cireson store the raw data of the knowledge base anywhere (ie in a DB table or text file/s), where I could find and replace the old URL and swap it for the new server address? - the folders and file names are the same, so would be an easy swap if I can get at the data!

Thank you!

Best Answer


  • David_JohnsenDavid_Johnsen Customer Advanced IT Monkey ✭✭✭

    We've managed to resolve this now without changing the links.

    Anyone know how I can remove posts!?

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